Friday, 29 May 2015

A Quick Check In

Sorry it’s been quiet for a while! I have been finishing up my exams and have been further delayed by the inevitable alcohol consumption that comes with the territory of being a University student! All good fun though, and now that I have five minutes between the cliff jumping, spear fishing, drinking and fishing sessions I thought it would be nice to drop a line on here.

This post won’t be anything special, I’m working on some much more exciting projects! Lots of plans this summer to say the least. But to drop a few hints I’ve found myself a few lovely trout waters here, which I am in the progress of exploring and also working really hard on the media/photography side of this blog, as well as chasing the dream of Sea Bass on the fly.

So here are a couple of videos for you, which resulted in me spending a lot of time daydreaming about fishing instead of revising. But hey, it was worth it.

Introducing… Bucknasty Browns! I great film from the guys at Montana Wild, I’ve always loved their stuff, and when I saw the trailer for this I was very excited, and was even more excited to see it had been released for free (despite it featuring in the Fly Fishing Film Tour). Without further delay, enjoy!

BUCKNASTY BROWNS // Full Film from Montana Wild on Vimeo.

Next up, a bit of Tarpon action, something that is way up my bucket list, but this one is extra special. Take a look at some of the action shots they got in!

Sorry this hasn’t been a very in-depth post. As I said, you can expect more from me in the coming weeks, but hopefully this will tie you over if you’re desperate for another University Angler post!