Saturday, 27 December 2014

Fly Fishing, a Platform for Conservation.

Because of my degree, I’m always banging on about nature and conservation, but I love it, and it’s a massive part of our sport whether you like it or not. In this post I plan on pooling some stuff from other posts, as well as new material, in order to sell the idea of conservation and the anglers connection with nature.

Like I’ve said many times, I love my nature, conservation and the natural world in general. Fishing was just a platform to connect with this love at first, but it developed into its own love. How many of you see fishing as a sport? An art? A chance to connect with nature? I’m in massive danger of getting a little bit heavy here, but I don’t really mind as its something I seriously care about. 

Anyway, heres some of my favourite conservation related fly fishing projects and media, enjoy. 

First up, a dabble into how fly anglers relate to climate change, hopefully this will tweak your conscience a little.. How would you like it if our amazing resource disappeared?

Co2ld Waters - Official Trailer from Conservation Media on Vimeo.

Next, an amazing tagging project for the Gangster of the flats, the GT. I read this in Eat Sleep Fish, a great (and free!) online magazine - Check it out here:
These guys have been doing some seriously cool stuff to track GT. I'll let their fantastic article in Eat Sleep Fish do the talking.

Now, a link between the conservation of Tarpon and product development. The guy in the video, who designed the legendary Orvis Mirage reel, explains how his passion for fly fishing tackle design led to a university study of Tarpon. We all have to make money in this world, so wouldn't it be great if it directly related to conservation?

Mirage Reel from SHALLOW WATER EXPEDITIONS on Vimeo.

Heres a group of seriously passionate Americans in search for the true strain of Golden Trout, one day I hope to do a similar trip. Not a lot of words needed, these guys are die hard and committed to their Golden Trout, so I'll let them do the talking.

Liquid Gold from California Trout on Vimeo.

So theres a few videos to feast your eyes on, and to stir that grey matter a bit, because I know you all have a sweet spot for nature and conservation somewhere in there, we are all anglers and committed outdoorsmen/women. Hope you enjoyed that, and that it helped you see the potential for us anglers to lead the conservation and preservation of fisheries and aquatic habitats. This post hasn't been easy to write, but hopefully you see my direction! I hope you all had a great christmas, and that you get out on the water soon, I'm certainly suffering from winter blues right now! Its a case of tying and making the best of the weather I suppose!

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